Brand guide


  1. Written out in full
  2. Meaning of the words in the name
    1. Foundation
    2. for
    3. Public
    4. Code
  3. Printing and breaking
  4. Legal name


The name of the organisation is: Foundation for Public Code.

In sentences it can be mentioned as: the Foundation for Public Code.

Written out in full

The name is always written out in full and never made into an acronym or abbreviated. If a shorter handle is necessary for technical reasons or publiccodenet is used.

For example, or

Meaning of the words in the name

Every word in the name has a meaning, together they should explain what the Foundation For Public Code does.


A foundation is something that can be built upon, something that is the bedrock for a development.


The Foundation for Public Code is actively working on Public Code and the infrastructures that are necessary to produce it.


For and by everyone, all of society.


Both policy – civic code – as well as software – source code.

Printing and breaking

The name of the Foundation for Public Code should be printed either over 1 line:

Foundation for Public Code

Or, when the name is broken over 2 lines the lines should contain 2 words per line, so the following:

Foundation for
Public Code

This means in HTML the name can be, when used in headers and footers as a logo, best used with non-breaking spaces where the lines should not be broken:

Foundation for Public Code

See also: Logo

The Foundation for Public Code is incorporated as a member owned association (vereniging met volledige rechtsbevoegdheid) under Dutch law named “Foundation for Public Code vereniging”.